AI chatbots are making it harder to spot phishing emails

It’s no secret that AI chatbots are getting better and better at mimicking humans. They can now understand and respond to natural language, which makes them a powerful tool for scamming people. Phishing emails are still common, but with AI chatbots, they’re even more dangerous than ever before.

Phishing emails are designed to look like they’re coming from a trusted source, when in reality they could be anything from a scammer trying to get your personal information to hackers trying to access sensitive data from your company’s server. They often come in the form of emails that appear to be from your bank or credit card company, asking you to verify account information or change your password by clicking on an attachment or link that takes you somewhere else entirely.

It’s easy for phishing emails to slip past even the most diligent employee—that’s why it’s important for all employees to keep their eyes peeled for any suspicious emails that could contain phishing scams. We’ve put together some tips below on how you can spot phishing emails before they get past your defences!

  • Look for misspellings and grammar mistakes—this is a classic tip for spotting phishing emails, but it’s still important! People who send phishing attacks tend to make more mistakes than people who don’t.
  • Look at the sender’s email address—if it doesn’t match up with what you expect from the company sending it, that could be a red flag! If they say they’re from [company name], but their email address is [email address], that could be a sign that something fishy is going on here (pun intended).
  • Read the body of the email carefully—if something sounds too good to be true or seems too urgent or if it asks for personal information (like social security numbers), then it might not be legit!
  • Don’t click on links in emails unless you know who they’re from and why they’re sending them. If you get an email asking for money or personal information, do not respond—even if there’s a sense of urgency or pressure being applied. Instead, look up the company’s real website using Google (or another search engine) and send your inquiry there directly.
  • Be careful about opening attachments from emails from people you don’t know well or at all; if it’s a link to a file or image attached to an email, double-check with someone else before opening it or downloading it onto your computer.