Security Risks When Using a USB Drive: All You Need to Know

USB Flash drive

Using USB drives holds immense security risks for companies dealing with sensitive data, so storing corporate files on external devices is a big no

Today, we outline some of the most critical security risks when using a USB drive – especially when it comes to business devices. Below is everything you need to know about USB security risks, shared by IT consultancy experts.

Are USB drives secure?

USB drives may be easy to carry around and use, but the convenience comes at the expense of significant security risks. 

For that reason, many big corporations and SME businesses have banned USB flash drives from their workspace.

What issues can USB drives cause?

The biggest threat that comes from plugging in a USB drive is virus or malware infection. When a computer comes in contact with malicious software or manipulated firmware, that leads to a serious (and often undetected) security breach. 

Hacker attacks through unsafe USB drives, on the other hand, are difficult to trace and stop. That allows cyber intruders to spy on computer users almost indefinitely.

Another tech issue caused by using unsecured USB drives is data loss or leakage. Losing drives loaded with sensitive information causes abruptions in the work process, as well as potential GDPR noncompliance

Compromised data can slow the development of the company and damage your brand image. Depending on the damage, it can interfere with milestones, roadmaps, and business strategies. 

Put shortly, using USBs can cause one or more of the following issues:

  • Malware infections;
  • Security breaches;
  • Data loss;
  • Data leakage;
  • Reputation damage;
  • GDPR issues.

Is scanning a USB for malware enough to protect a device?

No. Scanning a flash drive for malware is a must if you have no other choice but to connect through a USB. Yet, it is not a viable option if you want to keep a device safe because non-centrally-monitored anti-virus tools do not provide 100% security. 

Protection software might fail to detect certain types of USB-transmitted malware or disregard crucial firewall breaches.

How to avoid flash drive issues?

The best solution is to drop USB portable drives entirely since they are convenient but highly ineffective in terms of security. 

Computers can also be configured to block USB drives from being used by using remote management tools from IT Support companies in London like Network Fish.

What is the safest alternative to flash drives?

The wisest thing to do here is to stop depending on outdated USB tech and savor the power of secured digital networks by using cloud storage. 

Cloud storage is the best alternative to flash drives – it is a safe way to store company data, transfer internal files, and share sensitive information. All the while managing file accessibility in real-time.

At Network Fish, you can enjoy state-of-the-art managed IT services when it comes to internal IT infrastructure, collaboration tools, and data backup. All you need to do is give us a call!

For any further questions and requests, feel free to contact us and let us make all the clarifications you might need.